Sunday, January 2, 2011


While most people have set their new year resolution(s), I'm still not exactly sure what mine will be. A survey was done on where they found the top 10 resolutions for 2011. I think that they're pretty good.

  1. Lose Weight

Losing weight is always great...unless you're already slim and are trying to gain weight.

  2. Eat, Drink, Learn or Try Something New

I always think it's good to try new things. The way I see it is that if I don't end up liking it, it might turn out to be a good story to tell people later on. Also, it's good to learn about new things because everyone should be aware of certain things in life.

  3. Be Happy

Happiness is great. Nobody...actually...I think very few people would like to stay sad or mad about everything in life. 

  4. Save Money

Saving money is also great. I think that if I'm saving money, I'm already starting to achieve #3.

  5. Set an Attainable Athletic Goal, Like Running a 5 or 10K

Athletic goals are definitely worth the effort. I don't know if I have the motivation to run a 5 or 10K but I think I could find something else to work up to. This also ties into #1 because while trying to attain this goal you can also be losing weight.

  6. Fall in Love

Love. As one gets older, they usually try to seek out that person that brings true happiness to their life. I think it's great to have it as a resolution. Don't rush into it, let things take its course.

  7. Get a Job

Everyone needs a job...except those who already have one...or a couple. The job search is hard and especially in this economy, things aren't getting easier anytime soon. 

  8. Take a Photo Every Day of the Year

I read this one and thought it was absolutely ridiculous but then I realized it would actually be pretty cool to see myself change day by day. I kind of really want to try it but I'm pretty certain that I'll get fed up with it by March...if that late.

  9. Read More

Reading is essential for pretty much everything. I will definitely try to do more of it throughout this year.

10. Quit Smoking

Lucky for me I never started. I do think it's great when people do take that step to stop because like any addiction it can be tough.

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