Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Real Happy Feet

I saw the movie Happy Feet for the first time in Portuguese on my way to Brasil a few years ago and I had no idea what was being said but I knew it was an awesome movie. I love pretty much all cute animals but I find penguins to be very fascinating. I later saw the movie in English and that confirmed my feelings about the movie and penguins.

A great video of a penguin dancing and jumping around in excitement while snow fell was posted on youtube a few days ago. It's interesting because the penguin should be used to the snow given where its habitat is. A few of the other penguins appear to be a bit confused but don't have much of a reaction beyond that.

Courtesy of Nicole Tremblay

After seeing Happy Feet I've always wanted my own pet penguin. I have it all planned out where once I get my own house, I'll have this large walk-in freezer where the penguin will stay. I don't mind the cold so I will be glad to go in and play with it whenever. I tell people about this idea and they think I'm a little crazy. Little did I know, there is an old man and woman in Japan living out my dream. They have a 10 year old king penguin from the antarctic and are caring for it like a regular pet. There's still hope for me to have one too!

Read more to see a video on the pet Japanese penguin.

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