Sunday, January 2, 2011

Haters in the Building

Lil Kim really needs to stop trying to start fights with Nicki Minaj. What Lil Kim fails to realize is that without Nicki Minaj she would still be trying to figure out how to get back in the game. She is one of the people that paved the way for Nicki and no one disputes that but why is she still trying to attack Nicki when she's already acknowledged that she was an influence to her.

Lil Kim is a true hater and now she's trying to bring Mary J. Blige into the feud. She had her time and now it's time to let the people that used to look up to her keep things going for the female rappers. There is word that Lil Kim and Mary will be working on a diss for Nicki but honestly, no one should be worried. The first diss, "Friday the 13th", was garbage.

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