Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Art Lives Forever

Since today is the 1 year anniversary of the major 2010 earthquake in Haiti, I thought I should share something that I learned while writing a paper on art and whether or not the Caribbean has it's own form or style. The Centre d'Art was a museum that was destroyed due to the earthquake but while the country was being torn apart the people were still hopeful. I believe that one of the best ways to document incidences like these is through art. Whether it's visual, musical, or however else one chooses, the expression of the built up emotions that are being felt are potential for beautiful things. Frantz Zepherin, one of the survivors of the incident, painted a series of paintings after missing death and his well made works are his way of calling out for help for his country as well as informing future generations of the misfortunes and adversities they've gone through.

Read more to see more of Frantz Zephirin's works.

Under the Rubble

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